Portrait Dr. Vignesh Devraj - Interview about ayurvedic allergy treatment

Podcast #069 | How to treat allergies with ayurveda – An Interview with Dr. Vignesh Devraj

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In this episode I talk to Dr. Vignesh Devraj, who is an Ayurvedic Doctor and founder and director of the Ayurvedic Clinic and Retreat Center Sitaram Beach Retreat.

We talk about:

🌿 the ayurvedic perspective on the root causes of allergies

🌿internal and external influences on allergic symptoms

🌿the role of ama in the development of allergies

🌿the distinction of symptoms according to the different doshas

🌿the ayurvedic treatment approach in allergies

how to adjust your nutrition and lifestyle to eleviate allergies

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More about Dr. Vignesh:


Website Sitaram Clinic

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