Portrait Dan Regan: Gene Keys: How to discover your potential

Podcast #057 | How to use the Gene keys to understand yourself and your true potential

In this Podcast Episode I speak with Dan Regan about the Gene Keys. Dan is a mentor and guide for personal development, working with the Gene Keys, which are a practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself.

You get to know:
✨ How you can use the Gene Keys to understand more about yourself and your true potential
✨ Why this work is a living transmission, rooted in ancient wisdom
✨ How to start your journey with the Gene Keys
✨ Why deconditioning and shadow work are an essential part of the path
✨ Why your gifts are more powerful than your shadows
✨How Dan started his journey with the Gene Keys

You can get your personal Gene Keys Profile here:

You can reach out to Dan here:

Have you worked with the Gene Keys? Leave a comment and share your experience with the community!

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