Ellen Arthur chanting with Harmonium - headerpicture Podcast The Power of Mantra and Kirtan

Podcast #019 | The Power of Mantra and Kirtan

In this podcast episode I interview Yoga Teacher and Kirtan Singer Ellen Arthur. In her work she uses different Yoga techniques and methods, and especially the practice of Mantra, as a vehicle for self-discovery and transformation. In this Interview I got to ask her about her own life path and how Kirtan and Mantra can be a key to get in touch with ourselves and others.

We talk about:

  • the practice of mantra and how it can support you in your daily life
  • why Kirtan can help you to establish a mantra practice
  • how mantra can guide and protect your mind
  • how mantra can help you with your meditation
  • how Kirtan can help you to overcome the feeling of separation
  • tips on how to start with your own mantra practice

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About Ellen:

Ellen is currently living in Bali teaching Yoga at the studio The Practice. Her desire is to be able to use the techniques, practices and methods she has been taught through Yoga to help others heal and transform their lives. For her one of the most transformative practices has been Mantra. Using Mantra as a vechicle for self discovery and nurturance. “Chanting mantra has given me greater clarity on where I believe I am holding myself back. Chanting mantra has also been such a gift in the way it pulls together a beautiful community of people who are also on the path of self inquiry.”

More about Ellen:

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