Portrait Keval Pezet - Interview The meaning of Dharma

Podcast #017 | The meaning of Dharma

In this podcast episode I interview my teacher Keval Pezet. Keval has more than 40 years of experience in the field of Yoga and Meditation as a path of life. We talk about the meaning of Dharma, which is a word that is often times misunderstood, and how the meaning of it can be applied to your life.

We talk about:

  • why dharma is not only an universal law but also a teaching
  • how dharma can guide you through your life
  • why we all share one dharma
  • why limits and obstacles are capacities to explore our own nature
  • how fulfillment is reached through dharma
  • why dharma can not be found but needs knowledge of the gunas, practice and self-observation
  • how to work with the gunas to discover the natural movement of your life
  • how karma plays into dharma
  • why we often struggle with the current moment, stepping away from the truth and how to transform this pattern

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About Keval:

After receiving his BA in Art History and Philosophy, he developed a strong appreciation for Indian culture while specializing in the pictorial iconography of the world heritage listed Ajanta cave paintings. In 1974 he met his mentor, Baba Muktananda of Ganeshpuri and studied with him for several years and in 1984 he commenced his dedicated study with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda, the successor to Baba Muktananda, which continues to this present time. Keval has conducted meditation trainings throughout the world and established Shantarasa Yoga School with his wife Sadhana as a vehicle for transformative instruction of ancient yogic wisdom into contemporary understanding and application. Since 2000 Keval and Sadhana have trained hundreds of yoga teachers as well as yoga enthusiasts in Australia, India, Europe and the United States.

More about Shantarasa Yoga School:

  • https://www.shantarasa.com/
  • https://www.facebook.com/shantarasa.yoga/
  • https://www.instagram.com/shantarasa_yoga/

You can listen and subscribe to my Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Android. Follow me on Instagram @daniaschumann and Facebook @Dr.Dania Schumann or connect with me through my Webseite www.daniaschumann.com.

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